After one year of its launch, NTV's Chowdary has evaluated the performance of the channel and came to an understanding that he was greatly mislead by a team and started taking corrective measures. Induction of Mr. Sreeram is one such step. It is also rumoured that a batch of three 'key' persons will be sent out soon. Mr. Chowdary is also repenting on foregoing the services of Mr. Kommineni, who is now leading TV to success. Interestingly, in the recent past, Mr. Chowdary tried to give away his channel to Congress and at one stage ( to be precise, on the day when Chiranjeevi was about to enter Pulivendula ), Mr. Ram Reddy of Sakshi Features literally took over the News Department and dictated the scrolling and decided the names of the persons with whom the phone interviews are to be taken. This created panic among the staff and now he has decided to forego government advertisements and maintain a neutral stand. Janakshemam has been stopped suddenly. Will the realisation help NTV regain its past glory ?
Wednesday, December 3, 2008
HMTV on 12th ?
The much awaited hmtv is hopeful of launching on 12th Dec2008, more than one year after its starting. Former President of India Mr. Kalam is said to be the chief guest. However, insiders say that declaring dates is only an eye wash and it is only possible to give a test signal and the launch is impossible at any cost during this year. The programming department claims to have 100 hours of programming ready for telecast while the Bureau is confident about the live coverages. The DSNG vans are scheduled to arrive in Hyderabad by 10th of this month. If everything goes as per the claims of the management, hmtv will be the first multilingual channel in India with Telugu, English and Urdu bulletins.
Posted by Telugu TV at 12/03/2008 10:01:00 AM 2 comments